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Rachael Siu


Practice Profile

Rachael has more than a decade of experience as an advocate specializing in criminal litigation.  She has extensive experience in conducting trials both on her own and as a led junior in High Court, District Court and Magistrates’ Courts.

During the period from 2017 to 2024, she has served as a deputy magistrate numerous times, presiding over trials covering a wide range of…

Call: 2010 (HK)




2018   MA in EU Competition Law (King’s College London)

2017   Postgraduate Diploma in EU Competition Law

(King’s College London)

2009   PCLL (HKU)

2008   LLB (HKU)

 Selected Cases

Court of First Instance – recent trials

HKSAR v. WANG, HCCC 79/2019

(representing a defendant in the jury trial of the charge “handling stolen good” which stems from an armed robbery)

HKSAR v. L.C.L & Others, [2021] HKCFI 2818, HCCC 126/2020

(representing the 5th defendant in the jury trial of the charge “conspiracy to pervert the course of public justice”)

HKSAR v. YING, [2020] HKCFI 909, HCCC 244/2019

(representing the defendant in the jury trial of the charge “trafficking in…


Judicial Appointments

Deputy Magistrate 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2024

Hong Kong Bar Association

Member, Bar Council 2021 - 2024

Chairman, Standing Committee on Welfare & Sports 2018 - 2020



  • “Examination-in-Chief, Cross-Examination, Re-Examination – Evidence obtained from witnesses”, Discussion of Civil and Commercial Law by Hong Kong Barristers

  / Awards

2010   Middle Temple Society Advocacy Scholarship

2004   HKU Foundation Entrance Scholarship



  • Solicitor of England and Wales (Non-practising)


  • Lawyer of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Australia (Non-practising)


Fluent in Cantonese, English, Putonghua

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